How to play

How to play

Hello and welcome to our interactive murder mystery game!

To play this game, you will have to navigate your way around different rooms of the house and learn as much information as you can about different objects and people in the house. To do this, first you will need to go to the first room of the house by going to the Homepage and clicking the begin button! Them, move your mouse around the page and see if you can find any objects that light up. If you do, you can click on these to learn more information. There will also be buttons to press to take you to different rooms in the house such as 'Bedroom'. Click on these to move between rooms.

Once you think you have a solution, use the navigation bar to go to the "Solve the mystery" page to make your guess. If you are correct, you will be told the solution to the story!

Hints and tips

Take notes on anything you think is important

Don't be afraid to go back on yourself!

If you think you are missing information, make sure you check all rooms for objects that may be harder to spot...

There's no harm in guessing more than once!
