Bathroom Lounge
Lewis Reyes
“Goodness I have been working here as long as I can remember! Nothing like this has ever, ever happened here. I practically grew up on the site as both of my parents, Walter and Dusty work here. As does my little sister Hazel now!”

Lewis does odd maintenance jobs around the house, as well as some administrative and housekeeping tasks when times are busy. When he was very small, he caught his mum in bed with Charles. He doesn’t remember much as it was so long ago, but he does remember his dad being very unhappy at that time and his parents eventually divorcing. He has always harboured bitterness towards Charles as a result. He made sure never to tell his little sister about the affair. Well actually, he did tell her once when he was drunk… though he’s sure Hazel was so drunk too that she’d never remember.

Speaking of Hazel, they had a movie night last night. Though Lewis was knackered so he went to bed first and got up late, and didn’t see her until they were back at work.
You find an open, half drunk bottle of whiskey on the bedside table. You open the bottle and give it a sniff and it smells a little of almonds.