Bedroom Kitchen Reception
Walter Reyes
Walter is the general manager of R&R’s Bed and Breakfast. He founded the company alongside Charles Robinson 25 years ago. He has two children with his ex-wife Dusty. Their marriage broke down not long after the bed and breakfast opened, he put it down to the stresses and pressure of starting a new company.

When you ask Walter about Charles he says:
“Charles and I used to be very close. We started this company together, after all! But as time has gone on, he started treating me differently. Never gave me much respect even though I do all the work… And my paycheck is pittance compared to his.
Oh, also, it is probably not relevant but just so you know we had a delivery of new kitchen utensils arrive yesterday. I had Holly deal with them.”
Hazel Reyes
Hazel is the little sister of Lewis and second child of Walter and Dusty. She is very close with her dad, and she has ended up as his administrative assistant, helping the operation run smoothly.

She doesn’t want to stay here forever though. She tells you about her other plans.
“You see, what I really want is to move to New York. My girlfriend makes jewellery for a high-end jeweller, and they really want to move her out there for work. I would love to go with her, but I can’t leave dad behind at this job. I keep telling him he needs to retire, but he tells me he doesn’t have the money. If I hand my hands on the money I would pay for his retirement and jump on the next plane to the states. It’s not like I could afford an NYC apartment at this rate though.”

She tells you that last night she was having a movie night at her brother’s house, and that she stayed there overnight.